Josh Mullin Wins 2nd Place at The National Shakespeare Competition!
National Shakespeare Competition
Congratulations to HVC Sophomore Josh Mullin for winning second place in The National Shakespeare Competition! Every year in Mrs. Paluch's Shakespeare and World Classics classes, students prepare a monologue of their choice from one of William Shakespeare's plays and compete in an in-class competition. The winner is then coached individually- this year by Sydney Paluch, Mrs. Paluch and Sandra Boynton, former Professor of theater at SCCC- and represents Hudson Valley Consortium at the Albany branch competition. Josh gave an excellent presentation of Sonnet 14 and an impressive performance of Aaron's Confessional Monologue from Titus Andronicus that had the audience holding their breath! This is the first time a homeschooler has placed in this competition that brings together some of the brightest and most talented students and actors from schools all over the Capital region. Kudos to Josh Mullin!! HVC is proud to have you represent us!