Graduation June 2nd
The graduation ceremony will be held on June 2, from 10:30-11:45 am at Calvary. There will not be any refreshments at the church following the event. We will go directly to the Desmond.
Festivities at the Desmond will begin at noon. Senior awards, lunch, entertainment, and optional dancing will all occur at the Desmond. There is a beautiful separate space for those that wish to sit and talk in a different space than the dance will occur,
A sign-up sheet for the dinner at the beautiful and air-conditioned Desmond is available at the front desk. Tickets cost $44.00 a person for adults. Children under five are free. Children under 12 are $19.95
Graduation is often fairly hot. Consortium relaxes it's standard dress code and allows sleeveless dresses. Most people wear nice church clothes to semi-formal attire to this event.